Tamil veteran and legendary actress of over 1000 films Manorama has passed away in Chennai. The actress has been unwell for some time now and was a regular to hospital. She has breathed her last on October 10. Exact reason for her demise is yet to be known.
Rumors of her ill health reached a peak earlier in the year when hoax death news spread all over. The actress then came out and spoke to the media and confirmed her well being. She even said that few films are up her sleeve back then. This was in February, earlier in 2015. The last big film that she was part off was Suriya starrer Singham 2.
Manorama popularly referred to as Achi Manorama in Tamil is iconic more for her comedy acts. She is also a winner of National Award in Supporting Actress category. For her achievements in entertainment field she was bestowed with Padma Shri award in 2002. May her soul rest in peace.