A controversial model and TV actress has hit the headlines for creating nuisance at a leading shopping store in New Delhi. She attacked staff of the store, which was recorded in a CCTV camera. The model, former Bigg Boss contestant, not only manhandled the staff but took out a pistol and threatened to shoot them.
The model was in drunken condition and lost her temper after a heated argument with a customer. When the staff and other customers tried to stop her, she assaulted them physically and verbally. Police are probing into the matter, but no case has been filed yet. Apparently, this controversial model has done the entire ruckus for exposure.
This is not the first time the model has hit the headlines for the wrong reasons. Earlier this year, she accused Bollywood top stars on various reasons.
Last month, a leaked video of this model assaulting a five-star hotel staff had gone viral. The hotel staff claimed that the TV actress was absconding without paying the hotel bills. However, she denied the claim and said that it was a publicity stunt.