The sudden postponement of Akhil has paved way for a slew of Telugu movies to see its light of the day. While already Varun Tej-starrer Kanche has made their plans to release on the festive eve, Kalyan Ram too contemplating to come on Dasara. The latest to join this race is Omkar. Omkar’s small-ticket film “Raju Gari Gadi” is also slated for Oct 22 release.
Though Omkar’s debut film Genius tanked without a trace, he seems to have not given up his passion for silver screen and testing his luck for the second time. This time, Omkar seems to have worked hard and coming up with a sincere effort. Already the film’s trailer impressed with many film lovers and grabbed several eye balls.
What’s more? Producers Sai Korrapati and Anil Sunkara are releasing this Horror comedy. With this, expectations on the film have shot up. Let’s wait and see who will come out flying colours and emerge as this festive winner.