In a historic collaboration, two legendary film production houses in Tollywood, Suresh Productions and Prasad Productions, joined hands to come up with Capital Cinemas, a state of the art multiplex in the heartland of the capital region, Vijayawada. This morning, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu formally inaugurated Capital Cinemas, with Victory Venkatesh and Rana Daggubati attending it.
Capital Cinemas features 7 screens equipped with 2D, 3D and 4D film projection systems. All the screens feature 7.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound, Auro 3D Sound, 4K Projection and stadium-like seating for nearly 2000 viewers at a time in 5 screens.
Apparently, Venkatesh and Rana Daggubati are key stakeholders in Capital Cinemas. While this will be Suresh Productions’ first tryst with film exhibition business, Prasad Productions are already running the popular Prasads IMAX multiplex in Hyderabad for over a decade.