With the Diwali release of Cheekati Rajyam, dusky Chennai lass Trisha will complete 50 films in 16 years of her career. The actress is also busy shooting for two horror films back-to-back, Nayaki and Aaranmani 2. In her latest interview, Trisha reveals her future plans regarding her personal life and future relationships.
When asked if she is ready for a new relationship, Trisha said that she is ready to fall in love again and like to get married and settle down eventually. However, Trisha clarifies that she will not marry for the sake of society or because of her age. Trisha says that she will get married once she finds a man with whom she is comfortable waking up next to every morning.
Trisha also rubbished off the allegations that she is being politically correct by not talking openly about her broken engagement to industrialist cum filmmaker Varun Manian. Trisha said that she chose to maintain silence over the breakup as she did not want to hurt so many people who were also involved in her failed relationship with Varun.