In Mumbai, it is said that the older generation of actors live in Juhu, while the new brat pack usually stays in Bandra. So those who are fitness conscious on Juhu are pleasantly surprised to see Anil Kapoor jogging along their side these days.Anil Kapoor has always maintained his frame and never in his decades long career, did he put on an extra inch.
Right now, he is part a very popular television series 24. The series has been a hit and the second season will be starting soon.
Talk is that he wants to be fit for the show and he now wants to develop 6-pack abs. Those who have seen his daily routine say that he does a strenuous work out followed by a walk in the leafy bylanes of Juhu, with his car following him at a good distance.
Well, his neighbours insist that the 60-year-old will surely give the younger actors a run for their money.