Last week Pawan Kalyan and his team went to Gujarat for the filming Sardar Gabbar Singh but our sources say no shooting took place there during their entire stay. Then what did Pawan Kalyan do in Gujarat? He and his team mostly did was scouting for locations for their next long schedule and did rehearsals.
The unit reportedly is planning a long shooting schedule in various locations in Gujarat state. They will be heading to this place in November.
Critics say this whole exercise with the entire crew members is burden to the producers as it involved huge cost but Pawan Kalyan wanted all members present.
Sardar Gabbar Singh, directed by Bobby, is currently being filmed in Hyderabad. The movie has Kajal Agarwal who is yet to join the sets and it is scheduled for summer 2016 release.
The basic story idea of Sardar Gabbar Singh is penned by the Powerstar.