President of the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) N Raghuveera Reddy on Monday said that the people of Andhra Pradesh will celebrate the BJP’s defeat in Bihar Assembly polls.Referring to the remarks made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that if the BJP loses in Bihar the people of Pakistan will celebrate the defeat, Raghuveera told media persons at Indira Bhavan that “Pakistan people may or may not celebrate the defeat of the BJP in Bihar but the five crore people of Andhra Pradesh will certainly celebrate the occasion.”
The people of the State are fed up with the non-fulfillment of the promises made to them during the general election.
“Modi is viewing the people only as voters but not as living human beings. Even in the local bodies polls in Modi’s home constituency of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, of the 58 seats the BJP could win a mere eight seats. This reflects Modi dwindling popularity,” the APCC chief remarked. Raghuveera pointed out that in the Jaipura village panchayat, which was adopted by Modi, the BJP lost the local bodies poll.
The APCC chief offered to campaign in the ongoing bypoll in Warangal if the Telangana counterpart invites him. He, however, called upon the Warangal voters to defeat the ruling TRS so that it will learn a lesson and will take decisions in future that will be helpful to the people.