Naga Chaitanya is attempting the remake of Malayalam blockbuster, Premam. The film is titled Majnu and will be directed by Karthikeya fame Chandoo Mondenti. The film will have its launch on 30th November and the film will start rolling immediately a day after its launch.
Naga Chaitanya will complete the shooting and dubbing of his next, Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo by then. Majnu will be shot extensively in the exotic locales of Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry, Goa, Europe, Pollachi and Araku.
Shruti Hassan, Rakul Preet Singh and Anupama Parameshwaran are the heroines as per the rumour mills. Buzz is that Nagarjuna will be seen in a little cameo while Victory Venkatesh will play the hero’s father in the movie. More details of this project later.