The Warangal police late on Wednesday registered a murder case against former Congress MP Siricilla Rajaiah in the case related to mysterious death of his daughter-in-law and three grand childred at his residence in Warangal in a fire mishap in the wee hours of Wednesday.The police earlier arrested Rajaiah, his wife and son and filed cases under Sections 498A, 306, 176 based on the complaint filed by parents of Sarika, his daughter-in-law, who died in the mishap.
However, police later booked murder case against Rajaiah under Section 302 after parents complained that it was not a suicide but a murder done by Rajaiah and his family members.
The police collected all the evidences by deploying dog squad teams and forensic experts from the accident spot.
The charred bodies have been sent to MGM Hospital for post-mortem, which is expected to be done Thursday morning.
However, police are yet to ascertain whether it is a suicide as claimed by Rajaiah’s family or a murder as alleged by Sarika’s parents and relatives.