During every Sankranthi season, at least one Mega family film enthralls the Mega fans and this year it was Pawan Kalyan’s Gopala Gopala. When Sardaar commenced its shooting, it was speculated that the film will release during the Sankranthi season in 2016. However, with unwarranted delays, Sardaar withdrew from the Sankranthi race and there was no Mega family film to strike the Samkranthi jackpot.
But thanks to Puri Jagannadh’s jet speed filmmaking, young Mega hero Varun Tej is almost ready with his Maa Amma Seethamahalakshmi, formerly titled Loafer. Until a few days ago, the film was poised for a December 18th release. But as per the latest reports, the film has now joined the Sankranthi race and has grabbed the 14th January berth.
With this last minute change in the release date, this Mega hero will now compete with the two Nandamuri biggies Balakrishna and NTR, who were earlier locking horns with each other with Dictator and Nannaku Pematho respectively.
While it is also being discussed that NTR may withdraw from the Sankranthi race against his babai if Balayya’s Dictator makes it for a Sankranthi release, it is confirmed that at least one Nandamuri film will be in the Sankranthi race. So, this Sankranthi will see the Mega-Nandamuri battle once again.