The comedian Ali seems all set to annoy and shock. A day after he called Size-Zero star Anushka Shetty a hot jalebi at the audio event of the film (adding that he “likes” Anushka’s thighs) a photo of him in a sling has emerged on Facebook, with a scribble that could create further trouble. On the cast, is the text — “Never hit ur wife again!” Ali had turned up at the Size Zero event with a bandaged arm and when asked why, he maintained it was an injury during a film shoot. Sources claim the actor had hurt himself during a shoot for the Puri Jagannadh film Loafer starring Varun Tej.
But he had managed to cover up the scribble under the shirt he was wearing at the event. It’s also being claimed a female co-star may have written the line on his arm. Ali is taking intense flak now for his sexually suggestive remarks aimed at Anushka. Reports claim certain women’s organisations are now seeking action against the actor for his remarks.
“If you see Anushka in Billa, she has showed off her thighs and I’ve become a big fan of hers since that movie. But it’s actually Raghavendra Rao’s work. It’s he who focuses on the thighs of actresses and now, his son is taking after him,” Ali had said, on Sunday.