Prince Mahesh’s blockbuster film ‘Srimanthudu’ is going to be premiered on ZEE Telugu this Sunday, on 8th of November. It’s going to be a litmus test for the movie to generate record number of TRPs. Recently, Rajamouli’s ‘Baahubali’ was telecasted in MAA TV. The movie failed to create an all time record in TRPs leaving a shocker to everyone.
‘Baahubali’ has got 21.84 TRPs rating while ‘Magadheera’ still holds the record with 22.70 TRP. ‘Srimanthudu’ needs to cross this record of ‘Magadheera’ now. However, official media sources are likely to release genuine TRPs of ‘Srimanthudu’ very soon after the movie is telecasted by the channel.
‘Srimanthudu’ was directed by Koratala Siva on Mythri Movie Makers. Shruthi Haasa has done opposite to Mahesh in the film. The movie’s music was provided by Devi Sri Prasad. Mahesh is currently busy working for his upcoming film ‘Brahmotsavam’.