Recently reports came that Tamil handsome actor Aravind Swamy confirmed as villain in Ram Charan’s new movie which is going to be the remake of Thani Oruvan, a Tamil Super hitBut a twist has come now, as Ram Charan who is holidaying in some foreign location, reportedly asked the producers to put the decision on hold.
Buzz in the industry is that Ram Charan is in favour of casting a big Telugu senior hero for that role. Though producers have already paid advance to Aravind Swamy, Ram Charan has other thoughts, our sources told us. Hero Venkatesh or Nagarjuna are being considered for this role. Ram Charan is expected to land in Hyderabad this month end and then he will talk to his producers and director Surender Reddy about the casting of villain and heroine to finalize names, the sources added.
The remake of Thani Oruvan will go to the sets in January 2016 and it will be produced by NV Prasad and Allu Aravind. film.