Senior Congress leader and Ex-MP from Warangal Siricilla Rajaiah’s journey from riches to rags is an eye-opener to all the politicians. After almost getting the party ticket to contest in the upcoming Warangal by-elections, the Rajaiah has now been suspended from the Congress party in lieu of his alleged role in the death of his late daughter-in-law and her three sons.
The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee President Uttam Kumar Reddy today announced that Rajaiah has been suspended from the Congress party. Apparently, the party has been under intense pressure from Sarika’s parents and women’s organizations to cease Rajaiah’s political careerso that he would not interfere with the judicial process by flexing his power.
On the early morning of 5th November, the charred bodies of Rajaiah’s daughter-in-law Sarika and her 3 sons were recovered from his house. The Hanumakonda police have arrested Rajaiah, wife Madhavi and his son and Sarika’s former husband Anil and they have been sent to jail on a judicial remand for 15 days. Anil’s second wife Sana has finally been arrested after a 4-day long manhunt and she too has been sent to remand.