Ever since Varun Tej-Puri Jagannadh’s Loafer was announced several months ago, there have been several mixed reactions about the title which many thought was slightly negative for a third film old star kid like Varun Tej. Noticing the response from fans, Puri Jagannadh announced that Loafer was a working title and that a new title will be revealed soon.
Then came the titleĀ Maa Amma Seethamahalakshmi, which was in discussion for several weeks. But all of a sudden, Puri released the film’s first look posters with Loafer again. While this sudden change of plan did surprise many, some are wondering if Varun’s last film Kanche was the reason behind it.
Kanche was an emotionally intense film as Varun’s second outing. After playing a sober small town in his debut Mukunda, Varun played a much more intense role of a Indian soldier in WWII. The film got Varun all the praises but not the required commercial break as a box-office star.
This might have prompted the Loafer team to go back to the mass title as Varun chose Loafer to get himself a break as a mass hero. The trailer is our today and it looks to be a typical Puri mark mass action entertainer and one needs to wait and watch to see if this film will quench Varun’s box-office thirst.