Yesterday, those who were following the Bihar election results provided various media houses were in for a huge confusion with each media house publishing contradicting results. IT was the country’s most popular news channel NDTV that drew a major flak not only for getting its exit poll results wrong but also for publishing wrong trends from the counting sessions that predicted NDA’s victory.
Bowing to the intense backlash from irate viewers on social media, Prannoy Roy, NDTV’s Executive Co-Chairperson, apologized live on TV stating, last time the channel made such a bid error was three decades ago NT Rama Rao won by a landslide. We are looking into why this went wrong. In any case, we take responsibility and we sincerely apologize.”
The media baron went on to claim that they showed NDA ahead as per the initial data provided to all media houses by one organization. “All news channels had to change their data midway. this never happened with us in 35 years. We have asked the agency to explain why the report went wrong,” reasoned Prannoy Roy.