Bubby Telugu girl Colors Swathi recently got her new movie ‘Tripura’ graced into theaters. Directed by ‘Geethanjali’ fame Raaja Kiran, the film is unfortunately received to divided talk. But, makers are known to be sitting cool on table profits and distributors are also raking their investments safely. Thanks to the memories of ‘Geethanjali’ and youth following for Swathi resulted in decent openings.
However, from industry sources and common audience verdict, first to face the blatant criticism from this movie happened to be heroine Colors Swathi. With a loose and unshaped body, she has lost the peppiness in face. Her body language and mannerisms were so improperly designed making ‘Tripura’ as an easily forgettable movie in her career. Having lost the track, what will Colors Swathi do now? Who will provide her more offers? What is her next assignment?
There are many discussions going around film circles about Swathi’s future. Apparently, some of them were also suggesting the naughty girl to get settled in life by finding a right guy for marriage. Will Swathi accept the defeat and surrender to personal life? Let us wait and see.