King Nagarjuna is currently shooting for his TV show, Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu’s third season. Nagarjuna had allotted his date till this month end. After that he will resume the shooting of his Oopiri and will completely wrap it up.
Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu-3 will have 60 Episodes that season. Nagarjuna is likely to complete the shooting of 30 Episodes by this month-end and will be shooting remaining after completing Sankranthi.
On the other side, Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana is likely to see light for Christmas or Sankranthi. While Oopiri is being planned for February 5th, the next year. Nagarjuna is also playing a cameo in Akhil and also in Srikanth son, Roshan’s debut movie, Nirmala convent.