Occupying the top slot for over a decade is not an easy thing for any actress in the industry. But Trisha has now reached the 50-movies mark with Thoongavanam, which is releasing as Cheekati Rajyam in Telugu. The actress, who is teaming up with Kamal Haasan for the second time, says that it was a heady experience working with the actor. “It’s an honour firstly to work with Kamal and that too for the second time. God has been very kind. And to know that a person like him has confidence in you is truly a blessing. I would like to have his passion and zest for anything he does and the way he treats every film like it’s his first.”
When asked how significant Cheekati Rajyam is to her, she says, “It is very important, firstly because it’s my 50th flick. Second, it’s a big film with a superstar and third… it’s coming out on Diwali, which is an auspicious day for us Indians.” About her preparation for the role of a tough cop as well as dubbing her own voice, she says, “All the credit goes to Kamal and Gautami. She took care of my entire hairstyling and make-up. But there’s hardly any make-up used for me. And he was with us throughout — rehearsing, readings and teaching us small things such as hand gestures and body language. And of course, Kamal gave me the guts to dub my own voice. I could pull off my challenging role only with his help.”
It has been a long journey for Trisha who has seen several highs and lows in her career. “My film journey has taught me so many things. It has made me wise and has also taught me to stay grounded as a person, to be patient and that hard work always pays in the end. I also trained myself to not be affected by the world outside and the gossip.” And with the 50th movie releasing this Diwali, how special are this year’s celebrations? “Unfortunately, I am back in Chennai just for a day on November 10. So I’m planning to watch the film along with the audience at a city theatre. And probably, spend a quiet dinner with my family and friends because it’s been a mad, hectic week.”
The actress is also an avid proponent of animal rights and she also packs in a bit of advice and a message to all those planning celebrations with some crackers. “I’m strictly against noise pollution so any noisy cracker is a strict no-no because dogs just hate the noise. If you love animals, refrain from anything noisy. Because they are a mess during Diwali! Also, keep them with you always — if possible, in a room with the TV or radio on. Also, earmuffs might help.” The actress allowed a few questions about love and relationships and said she’s still on the look-out for the right person and the right time. “When it’s with the right person, who I want to see after getting up each day, I will definitely take the plunge.” Finally, there’s no change in her career path with the star saying she still believes in movies with the big star cast.
“I always believe in having a mixed bag. So as much as I like heroine-centric films, I wouldn’t think twice about signing something which has a big star and a huge star-cast.”