The recent controversy about Sridevi filing case against the producers of Puli for the remaining payment of her remuneration has revealed the fact that she was paid a whopping Rs 3 Cr for the movie. Rs 3 Cr remuneration for an ageing heroine has surprised everyone in the South Indian film industry as none of the top heroines in the South including Samantha, Nayanatara and Anushka are charging such an amount. All these three heroines are charging in the range of Rs 1.5 Cr to 2 Cr.
The producers of Puli now revealed in a statement that they were agreed to pay the total Rs 3cr remuneration for Sridevi with Rs 2.7 lakhs as salary and Rs 30 lakhs extra for service tax. They also further revealed that her husband demanded Rs 15 lakhs from Telugu version but which was not yet paid to her and but she took Rs 55 lakhs from the Hindi distributor. All in all she reportedly charged nearly Rs 4 Cr for the movie. There were rumors that the reason why Sridevi was not part of Baahubali for the role of Sivagami is that she demanded huge remuneration which is almost equal to the top leading actors in Tollywood. Looks like Sridevi is still demanding bigger amount than the current reigning queens of South Indian film industry.