No one can dare to question Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s penchant for cinema. Despite putting lot of hard work and investing lots of money into the film industry, Kalyan Ram didn’t see much success he deserved. Kalyan Ram always had to risk his own money to keep his passion for cinema alive. Apart from Atanokkade and Patas nothing turned out to be profitable for him.
Producers who run after heroes hailing from big families sadly overlooked Kalyan Ram all these days. After making debut in Ramoji Rao’s banner Kalyan Ram thereafter had to produce almost all of his movies. Kalyan Ram can finally smile as mega producer Dil Raju came forward to produce his next film.
Dil Raju made a promise to Kalyan Ram after Patas that he would make a movie with him on his banner. Dil Raju distributed Patas that earned him very good profits. He is paying back by keeping his promise. Dil Raju who has introduced so many young directors to Tollywood is going to launch Hari as director with this film. Kalyan Ram too tasted success with newcomers like Surender and Anil Ravipudi. So this is surely a movie to watch out for.