All the tensions surrounding Akkineni family have been relieved with ‘Akhil’ releasing to superb reaction from audience. On the very first day, this movie collecting a share of Rs.9.8 Crores is no mere achievement for a debut hero. Thanks to the aggressive promotions and planned release strategy applied by producer Nithin in association with director VV Vinayak and hero Nithin.
Blown away with the kind appreciations from Fans and common audience, ‘Akhil’ team arranged a special press meet yesterday evening to thank the Telugu people for blessing them with a Blockbuster verdict. At the same time, King Nagarjuna offered enough clarity on various gossips circulated in media circles about a clash with his son Akhil.
‘We are not such a stupid family to quarrel for nothing. At times, even I might lose my temper but both my sons Naga Chaitanya and Akhil are so cool headed. They never get angry. This is the very first film for Akhil and I am so happy with the result. By the time he reaches 10th film, there will be lot of scope for him to demonstrate and develop the skill. I am surprised with the way, Akhil performed in dances and fights. He has a bright future,’ Nagarjuna shared.