Lovers paradise and the French capital Paris is now all blood, shock, tears and fright. Late on Friday night, a series of attacks surfaced killing as many as 153 people at 6 significant areas of Paris. There was suicide bombing, Firing with AK 47 and explosions.
The city on the eve of weekend was all into merriment watching soccer match between the world champion Germany and France. Out of nowhere People with AK 47 started firing and few with Bomb straps struck to them exploded themselves at other places of the city
There was an explosion at a Cambodian restaurant while the city had its worst loss at the Bataclan concert hall that had seen 112 people lying dead in pool of blood.
A surviving victim says it was a blood bath and gun fire was on for 10 to 15 minutes continually. The men were dressed in black and speaking in French says the terror struck survivor. The states men say this is the worst that the city had seen after the 1961 Paris massacre during the Algeraian war attacks. All the borders of the country remain close right now.