Eleven months of gap later Venkatesh has finally agreed to do a new movie for hit director Maruthi who recently delivered super hit Bhale Bhale Magadivoy.Venkatesh and Maruthi were to make a movie titled Radha last year but the movie was dropped off when a writer claimed that the story was his, not Maruthi’s. As plagiarism charges intensified, Venkatesh has dropped off the movie and went on doing Drishyam and Gopala Gopala. On the other hand Maruthi went with Bhale Bhale Magadivoy with Nani.
Interestingly, now both Venkatesh and Maruthi have joined hands for new movie which is again a similar title of their original movie. Radhakrishna is the title now being considered for this film. The original heroine Nayanatara has also been roped in to play as wife of Venkatesh in the movie though it is not clear whether the movie is made with the same story. And this movie Radhakrishna is also produced by Radhakrishna of Julayi and S/o Sathyamurthi fame.