Smart helmet gives you eyes in the back of your head

Skully smart helmet

For Marcus Weller the idea started off with an accident. He was riding a motorcycle in Barcelona when he took his eyes off the road to look at a road sign and smashed into the back of a car. A couple of years later he dreamt about that accident, but in the dream Weller didn’t crash.

“It was an exact flashback dream of that experience. But the important difference was I wasn’t looking around for street signs and trying to figure out where I was going because I had these GPS maps and they were floating out in front of me like a hologram,” said Weller, the Founder and CEO of Skully Inc.

“I’m going down the road and because I am looking forward I see the car break and I swerved around it and I didn’t get into the accident. That woke me up out of a dead sleep and I sat up in bed and I had goose bumps and I was like ‘that is going to save peoples lives’,” he added.

That dream was the inspiration for what Weller describes as the smartest motorcycle helmet ever developed. Utilizing a state of the art video system, a powerful on board computer and a heads-up display built into the visor, the AR-1 smart helmet enables a rider to basically see in every direction at once with no blind spots.