After a lot of dilly dallying, finally the lead lady for Sreesanth’s much-anticipated Telugu debut has been finalised. The lady, who bagged the golden chance is none other than Shanvi Srivastava. Though the names of Kajal, Tamanna were heard initially, finally the makers end up casting Shanvi. Impressed with the outline, Shanvi agreed to be part of the film. She is expected to sign the film on the dotted line in a day or two.
Tipped to be a tri-lingual (Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam), the movie will be directed by Sana Yadireddy who will also be producing the film. Apparently, the film revolves around off-the-field life of a cricketer including betting, affairs. The movie written by BVS Prakash is said to be an out and out commercial venture. Noted technicians would be roped in for the film. If all goes well, the film will roll onto floors soon.