The Mumbai police yesterday arrested a self-styled godman named Baba Devendra for allegedly cheating Bollywood actress Shil​p​a Shetty’s father Surendra Shetty of 2 crore promising him of opening a herbal products company and Yoga ashram.
The arrest was following a complaint filed by Surendra Shetty, a staunch devotee of Baba Devendra, at Andheri Police Station alleging that Devendra had duped him of 2 crore after promising him of opening a Yogpeeth similar to that of Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali yogpeeth and herbal products company.
The complaint was lodged in September ever since the Baba fled from the city after getting the money. Devendra earlier worked in Ramdev’s Yogpeeth in Haridwar for several years after which he started out on his own and earned a huge reputation and following among several leading celebrities.