Taking many by surprise, actor Vishnu Manchu has gone shirtless for his next Sarada. Shedding his shirt, Vishnu bares his chest, abs in the first look of the film hinting that the movie is not just comedy but also has action elements. But we hear that comedy will overtake other elements in the film.
Comedy is Vishnu’s forte. Be it Dhee or Denikaina Ready, it’s his trademark humour that worked out well and tickled funny bone of audiences. Vishnu is now planning to repeat this feat with his next Sarada.
Tipped to be a youthful romance laced with family elements, entertainment, the film is directed by Karthik Reddy of Adda fame. Heroine Sonarika, who sizzled alongside Naga Shourya in Jadoogadu, is romancing Vishnu in Sarada.