Indian cinema lovers who have caught bond in the last weekend are shocked and disappointed. While expectations are riding high on latest bond movie “Spectre”, the first two days of collection of the film has touched 15 crores ‘gross’ in India on par with previous Bond movie “Spectre”. But audiences are not happy with the film anyway.
“Spectre” is a bond movie that deals with a killer assassin group and sums up that all the previous villains of Daniel Craig are members of this particular group. While the story looks interesting, there are no regular action elements where James Bond will unleash terror on his opponents.
Initial action episode itself is dull and lifeless, while other seasonal episodes like Bond going to different countries are much sober and disappointing. At least, pre-climax stands out in a Bond movie, but here it’s not that much worthy. Even the climax sounds like an ordinary Indian masala film, neither having any logic nor any emotional twist.
Pattern of “Spectre” is same as all the 007 movies, but the conceiving of every action sequence and other key scenes is like a regular film with not much energy into it. One wonders why director Sam Mendes who made “Skyfall” earlier has picked up this slow and uncertain story for his second James Bond venture. What’s wrong Bond?