Eccentric filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma never ever gives cliche statements. But perhaps for the first time, he said that his upcoming film is completely different in his entire career. Although this is a kinda cliche statement in the film industry as every other filmmaker says this ahead of their film release, considering that this has come from RGV, many are wondering what makes ‘Killing Veerappan’ so different in RGV’s career.
“So far, I’ve made several films on gangsters, factionism, and horror films. But making a film on Veerappan is so special and different in my entire career. He was the most wanted criminal and the manhunt carried for him was the Asia’s largest manhunt,” said RGV.
Giving a peep into the film, the auteur of Satya, Sarkaar said, “Killing Veerappan is not biopic of Veerappan. The film is behind the story of how Veerappan is killed. There is a lot of effort put in by police officials to do this operation successful. They have worked for over 8 months. It’s very interesting and less-known story which I wanted to tell.”
Admitting that the making of the Killing Veerappan costed him a bomb, Varma didn’t reveal more details. The movie is going to release on December 4.