New teaser of Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo is launched on the occasion of Naga Chaitanya’s birthday. This teaser is entirely different from the first look teaser that gave an impression that the film is a romantic drama. New teaser shows the other side of the film which highlights the action part in the film.
Surprisingly SSS looks like an action thriller in true Gautham Menon’s style. People expected another Ye Maya Chesave kind of romantic drama from this combination but Gautham Menon is trying out new genre with Chaitanya. The trailer is classy and Gautham’s mark all over it. This surely raises the expectations over the movie.
Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo is slated for January release. Chaitanya who took a hit with his previous release Dohchay is expecting to be back on track with SSS. Music of this film is scored by maestro AR Rahman. Malayalam actress Manjima Mohan is making debut in Telugu cinema with it.