The dream project of star director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bajirao Mastani, a warrior’s love story based on life of 1700’s Maratha Peshwa (Prime Minister) Bajiroa and his second wife Masthani has been in continuous strife of late. First a open letter to Bhansali from one of Bajirao’s descendants about the flaws in ‘Pinga ga Pori’ song was in news.
The letter stated that it was misleading the history and that Nauvari saree of the royals is never worn the way Deepika or Priyanka have wore it (Skin show) in the Song and that Kashi Bhai never danced nor could dance as she was effected with Tuberculosis. Latest on the list is ‘Ban the Movie Bajirao Mathani’ page on Facebook being hosted by historians complaining that Bajirao Masthani is a Jinxed story and not based on facts.
This page already has 1800+ likes and is asking for more people to support the page and help them force the ban. The page description reads ‘This movie is purely insulting the glorious History of Shri Bajirao Peshwa. Lets not forget his valor. Lets work together to halt misrepresentation. ‘ it’s fast gaining popularity on facebook turning a headache to Bhansali Sahab. The movie is slated for release on 18 December.