Ram Gopal Varma says that his upcoming film Killing Veerappan will be something different from what he has done till now. “The police tried to nab him for nearly 20 years. I had done research since the early ’90s as I wanted to do a film on him. The film is not Veerappan’s side of the story or a biopic on him. The subject deals more about how a police officer killed the bandit,” says RGV, adding that he plans to release the film on December 4. Crores were spent to nab Veerappan and hundreds of policemen were on the assignment. “But a cop came up with an intelligent plan and killed him. I have met this person and I have also met Veerappan’s wife,” says RGV.
He adds that the film was shot mostly in real places though he didn’t get permission to shoot in some other locations. Shiv Raj Kumar, son of legendary late actor Rajkumar, is playing the intrepid police officer. “In Karnataka, two people are very famous for good and bad. One is Rajkumar and the other is Veerappan. The Kannada star had been kidnapped by Veerappan and that was one reason to rope in Shiv Raj Kumar for the film,” says RGV. Recently, the director had heavily criticised the Censor Board on Twitter, but he doesn’t think that the Board will create any trouble for the film.