If the buzz from the tinsel town is to be believed, Prince Mahesh has reportedly shown a welcoming gesture towards the producer Radhakrishna. According to the reports Radhakrishna of Haarika and Hassine Creations wanted to produce a movie with Mahesh as the hero in his banner. Ace director Trivikram was considered to be the director of the film. As per the schedule, the movie could have been launched sometime around in 2016. The producer is rumoured to have paid Rs.10 crores advance to Mahesh for this project.
However, everything has not gone well with the project. Trivikram is reportedly showing keen interest on an undisclosed project while Mahesh has committed Murugadoss’ project which is to be launched in the early first half of 2016. Having understood his project with Trivikram and Radhakrishna’s combo can’t be materialized in near future, Mahesh is gossiped to have given back the advance of Rs.10 crores to the producer. If at all this gossip is to be believed, it would certainly be considered as a welcoming gesture from Mahesh.