On August 6th, India’s popular telecom operator Airtel launched the promotional campaign of its ambitious 4G plan. Since then, a cute, young girl with a boy cut who challenged everyone to win her in the Airtel 4G challenge in the TVCs has won the hearts of many. She is Sasha Chettri, a 19-year-old Dehradun girl.
Sasha completed her graduation in advertising from the reputed Xavier’s Institute of Communications (XIC) Mumbai. She then started working as a trainee copywriter at an ad agency. She then joined a BBA program but her heart was always beating for a career in modelling.
Sasha even enrolled herself with several modelling agencies and went back to Dehradun. After several months, she was called by Taproot Dentsu, the reputed ad agency which produced all the Airtel 4G ads. Sasha went to Mumbai and gave the audition and the rest was history.
Soon after the ads started airing, Sasha became a national icon with immense following among the younger crowds. With this new found stardom, Sasha has moved to Mumbai permanently and is hoping for a glorious career in modelling.