Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi was in for a huge embarrassment during his visit to the prestigious Mount Carmel College in Bangalore. Addressing a large group of students, Rahul Gandhi tried to take a dig at two of PM Narendra Modi’s ambitious schemes, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan and Make In India.
Slamming Modi’s Swachh Bharat, Rahul asked the students if they saw India clean. To this the Gandhi scion received a shockingly unexpected and a resounding ‘yes’ from the students. A startled Rahul had to take a few seconds to gain composure after the students shock before he tried to gain support once again.
Rahul then asked the students if they felt the Make in India campaign was really working and the students again gave the same reply, a resonating ‘yes’. A helpless Rahul tried to save himself by saying ‘you might see it I don’t’.
Rahul then took several jibs at the government’s failure in controlling the rising intolerance and stated that BJP government does not believe in holding talks with the opposition as “they just know how to silence the voices”.