Mahesh Babu attending ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ audio function might have made the day for his Fans and brother–in-law Sudheer Babu but there is one element which appears to have clearly out-shadowed the presence of Mahesh and it is ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ trailer released yesterday evening on the same stage.
Journey of Sudheer has been so long till now with no approved real commercial success on his name. Looks like the time has come and Sudheer is selecting good scripts with fresh directors. ‘Bhale Manchi Roju,’ the title sounds full of feel good and nostalgic. However, the new trailer hints about story and concept of the film is based on heroine Wamiqa Gabbi’s kidnap presented with strong grip in stylish narration has dominated the whole of audio launch episode.
Sai Kumar, Nalla Venu’s comic timing and the refreshing camera work from Shamdatt, the trademark musical score from MR Sunny or say in overall, debutant director Sriram Adittya has typically established a mark of his own with Sudheer Babu shown in a new light. As of now, ‘BMR’ looks like a promising flick and we need to wait for the official release date.