In an unfortunate incident, hairstylist’s negligence has resulted in the multiple burns on heroine’s Bipasha’s face and hands. According to Bipasha, the hairstylist seems to be drunk and came to work. She alleged that the hairstylist is unrepentant, unapologetic. Bipasha went onto call the hairstylist as “inhuman”. However, Bipasha chose to hide the name of the hairstylist. Without naming her, Bipasha took on the hair-stylist.
Sharing her bad experience on social platform, Bipasha wrote, “Started my day of shoot with multiple burns on my face and hands by a so-called senior hairstylist. She did not even flinch after dropping the tong. Inhuman. Think she came drunk to work. Unbelievable!”
Bipasha also shared the pics of her burnt injuries on her social networking page. Poor Bipasha, it’s a bad start indeed. Hope she will recover soon