Last seen in romantic war drama “Kanche”, actress Pragya Jaiswal will play Ravi Teja’s love interest in upcoming Telugu film “Yevado Okadu”, which went on floors last month and will hit the screens next year in summer. “Pragya was finalised for the project yesterday (Friday). She plays the leading lady while actress Anupama Parameswaran will play her second fiddle,” a source from the film’s unit told media.
In total contrast to her role in “Kanche”, Pragya will be seen playing an urban girl in “Yevado Okadu”. “She will undergo a total makeover and play a city-bred heroine,” the source said. In the film, which is being directed by Venu Sree Raam, Ravi plays a college lecturer and Anupama will be seen as one of his students. Devi Sri Prasad has been roped in to compose the tunes and Dil Raju is bankrolling this project.