Pragya Jaiswal dazzled as a lead actress in Mega Prince Varun Tej’s ‘Kanche’. She looked gorgeous in the film and appeared to be promising to become a top heroine soon. True to everyone’s expectations, she grabbed an opportunity to be seen opposite to Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja’s next film ‘Yevado Okadu’. Earlier, Pragya made her debut in Tollywood with ‘Mirchi Lanti Kurradu’.
Dil Raju will be producing ‘Yevado Okadu’ on Sri Venkateswara Creations. The movie will be directed by Venu Sri Ram of ‘Oh My Friend’ fame. The movie will go on sets in the month of December. On the other hand, ‘Kick 2’ result turned out to be the major setback of Ravi Teja this year. His new movie ‘Bengal Tiger’ is all set for a grand release on December 10. The movie was directed by Sampath Nandi. Ravi Teja is expected to strike back with ‘Bengal Tiger’ and ‘Yevado Okadu’.