After Aamir’s comments on Intolerance, Bollwoods Mr. Prefect has come under some serious attacks from most of the political parties and the common man of India alike. Hindu sena group went till the extent of booking flight tickets for Amir and his family to Pakisthan. Siva Sena announced a price amount of Rs 1 Lakh to who so ever slapped Aamir.
Advertising students of Miami Advertising school, based in Mumbai, made Siva Sena’s comments their theme for a Virtual Ad and created a web page “”. If one logs on to the web page a hand automatically pops up. By moving the hand Virtually one can slap Aamir.
Though it went on to be an immediate hit and the disclaimer read is for humour and creative purposes only and does not represent any political views of the people involved. Please be tolerant of our humor” it was not appreciated by the nation.
But the best part now is if you type in “” it redirects you to “” It is a lipstick mark that pops up now and by moving iton to Aamirs face, The face changes into one of his movie character with the Lip mark on his face just like how the hand slap used to change his face into a bruised one previously.
The kiss Aamir disclaimer reads “ is for love and fun purposes only and represents kindness and kisses only. please spread the tolerance of our love only.” We too vouch for Kiss and love, tolerant India!!