The recent success of ‘Mayuri/Maaya’ both in Telugu and Tamil languages made heroine Nayanathara so proud. At a time when industry is flooded with horror-comedies, the treatment and hard written screenplay in ‘Maaya’ won the acceptance of critics and common audience too. At Box Office, the figures of ‘Maaya’ left a stunning impact for more and more writers to try something new in horror based suspense thrillers.
However, here comes Nayan accepting one more project in similar horror genre but for a change its horror-comedy. As per reports from Kollywood, actress Nayanathara has signed another horror film to be produced by Sarkunam while his longtime assistant Doss is to be introduced as director. When it is a horror-comedy and Nayan is heroine, despite the project might have been taken up in Tamil, we will have a dubbed Telugu version for sure. Meanwhile, Nayan has also signed Venkatesh’s new movie in Telugu alongside two Tamil films, one with Jiiva titled ‘Thirunaal’ and one more untitled starring Vikram as hero under Anand Shankar direction.