Tamil Nadu government implements unique schemes to serve lower and middle classes. Recently, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa inaugurated a secured enclosure for women for breast feeding for their kids at Chennai Mofussil Bus Terminus at Koyambedu. Mothers’ Milk Banks were also inaugurated in seven government hospitals in the state.
Taking part in the great initiation, 170 mothers in Chennai came voluntarily to donate breast milk to the ‘Mothers Milk Banks’ to help child who are not getting mother milk. They have shown mother love with the gesture. Life for people in Chennai continues to be complicated though the rains have stopped in the Tamil Nadu’s capital city.
Elders and kids are experiencing difficulties due to lack of food. Kudos to the 170 mothers donated milk to feed children. This contribution is largely helpful in the these circumstances in Chennai!This topic is trending on social platforms and everybody is appreciating the mothers for their concern towards children.