Young actress Anisha Ambrose who made debut with Alias Janaki was elated when she was given an opportunity to work with none other than Pawan Kalyan in Gabbar Singh sequel. Eyebrows were raised when Pawan opted to cast Anisha over many other star heroines for the sequel. However things didn’t work out as planned as Pawan decided to replace the director and heroine. Director Sampath Nandi was replaced by Bobby and Anisha gave way to Kajal Agarwal.
With Sardaar Gabbar Singh slipping out of hands young Anisha has been out of news for many days. She took some time to recover from that powerful blow by Powerstar who has shattered all her dreams of making it big in the film industry. Anisha is finally back to work as she bagged a film opposite Sundeep Kishan. She will be playing the female lead in Neram remake directed by Anil Kanneganti. Tentatively titled 123 this film will start rolling shortly. Anisha was last seen as the TV reporter in Pawan Kalyan, Venkatesh starrer Gopala Gopala.