Has anyone would believe that a Telugu director himself has decided not to work with a star like Rajinikanth when the offer fell in his lap? Yes, this has happened in reality! Few years ago, Teja has approached Rajinikanth with a script ‘Rythu’ but the project has never go to the floors. The director now reveals what the reasons for stalling the biggie.
“Story is the most important aspect of a movie, not hero. An actor becomes a star because of the story. A film willn’t be successful just because it features star. For example, ‘Baba’ which stars Rajinikanth. We are aware of how many flops Amitabh Bachchan, Chiranjeevi and Balakrishna have delivered over the years. Story is the real hero of a film and it’s high time everyone realizes it,” he adds.
Teja claims he is the most straight forward person in the Telugu Film Industry as he never hesitates to speak out his heart on any topic or about anybody. The same nature has landed him in troubles in the past but he has no regrets and not even thinking about changing anything in him.