Ram Gopal Varma’s tweets and comments are no longer funny, he has targeted Megastar Chiranjeevi and his family, allege the star’s fans. RGV has been making comments against Chiru and Pawan Kalyan for the past few months. Though RGV has declared that he is die-hard fan of Chiranjeevi, the fans think that he has hidden agenda. The other day, RGV praised Naga Babu’s son Varun Tej for not being a branch to the tree of Megastar but being an independent pole. He meant that Varun is having individual style and following a path of his own not depending on the family image of megastar.
But the mega fans believe that he is using everything and every opportunity to belittle Chiranjeevi ever since the megastar rejected the story narrated by RGV’s close friend Puri Jagannadh.Fans are thinking that by roping in Prabhas along with RGV for the audio launch of Loafer and not inviting any mega hero to the stage, Puri has made his priorities clear. Despite Chiru not liking his script, Puri still maintains cordial relations with mega family but mega fans are angry with RGV and Puri. RGV in particularly is being referred by them as mega enemy.