Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu state is suffering from the rains and the recent floods have created a big havoc in the lives of most of people living there. So far, the people have been struck from doing their works. Currently, it is difficult to clear everything and make everything normal as there was rain water, and the amount of rain so far has been very high that we can not expect that it would be cleared as soon as possible.
At least to provide food to those harmed by the rain is what we can do and they all had a difficult time in surviving in the floods.The government has stepped in to speed up relief efforts for the victims of Chennai floods and at the same time The Telugu film industry also came forward to rescue Chennaites.
Rajinikanth announced 10 crores and Raghava Lawrence has announced a donation of Rs 1 crore. Rs 25 lakh is donated by Allu Arjun and he along with the other actors has been working round the clock to serve for the people of Chennai. They are sending water, food, clothing and are sending teams to make them distributed. Non-governmental organizations have come forward in large scale too.
Telugu stars already went to the malls popping up a lot of ingredients to the food collection and in a recent press meet at Hyderabad, talking about the same Allu Arjun got emotional too. Rana is looking after things at Ramanaidu Studios and is working hard in sending two trucks a day.