Actor Madhavan’s name resonates with lighthearted romance and gentleness. But now, the lover boy has turned an gritty and a rugged boxing coach in his debut home production, Saala Khadoos. The film’s trailer has been unveiled yesterday by one of India’s most successful directors Raj Kumar Hirani, who is also co-producing the film along with Madhavan.
In Saala Khadoos, Madhavan plays Adi Tomar, a talented yet a failed boxer. Who has been transferred to Chennai to train a low-rated women’s boxing team. Maddy then stumbles upon Madhi, a fiery young girl from the fishing community with incredible power in her fist and begins his journey of turning her into a national champ.
With faint resemblances of the iconic Chak De India, Saala Khadoos promises to be another landmark film in Indian films with women’s sports and empowerment as its main theme. The film is directed by Sudha Kongara, a former associate to Mani Ratnam. Saala Khadoos will hit the screens on January 29th.