Tamil star Dhanush’s latest Tamil film Thangamagan is having simultaneous release in Telugu this Friday. Dubbed in Telugu as Nava Manmadhudu this film is directed by Velraj who previously directed successful VIP (Raghuvaran BTech) with Dhanush. Nava Manmadhudu features Samantha and Amy Jackson as the female leads.
Despite Samantha’s stardom in Telugu cinema industry, Nava Manmadhudu didn’t fetch high price. Raghuvaran BTech’s success or Samantha didn’t add any value to this project as Brundavan Pictures bought it for a cheap price.As per trade sources Telugu dubbing rights for two states were bought for 1.8 Crore on NRA basis.
This is a very cheap deal and the buyers could strike gold if it clicks. Samantha has high hopes on this film as she plays a performance based character after a very long time. Nava Manmadhudu has to compete with Loafer and the Bollywood biggies Dilwale and Bajirao Mastani that are also releasing this weekend.